<== Store of the Day for 2014-02-22 ==>

Best Western

The Best Western franchise system provides the ideal balance of national level marketing and local ownership with service. This hotel chain began in 1946 as a referral service between the best hotels in towns throughout the United States. Originally, the system used the name "Best Eastern" for hotels East of the Mississippi and "Best Western" for those west of the Mississippi.

The referral service guaranteed travelers a consistently high quality room at a fair price.

To help travelers with plans, Best Western created an easy to use reservation system. The reservation system was unique at the time in that it would hold a room all night for the traveler. (The traveler being responsible for paying for the room even in case of a no show).

I like the Best Western Chain as it has been able to preserve many of the classic motels in towns throughout the United States. The ideal of local ownership helps avoid the cookie cutter look of many other popular chains.

Best Western Polson
Best Western Polson
Link Detailshelp
Site NameBest Western
Review History2014-02-22
Category Internet Rivers: Lodging
Page Views10216

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