<== Store of the Day for 2017-08-24 ==>

GoSun Stove

The GoSun Stove is an innovative portable solar stove that uses solar collectors to focus energy on a central tube. The stove lets you boil water for coffee (or just sanitation). You can also use a variety of baking and frying techniques with the stove.

The stoves are just going into production and are a bit pricy. The company is hoping to distribute the stoves in third world nations where the stoves would help reduce the environmental damage done by foraging for wood. The picture pretty much shows the design. You have a cylinder with a heat sink surrounded by a reflective wrap. No batteries required.

The stove would be a great gift especially for people who camp in the desert or places with limited wood for fuel.

Portable Solar Cooker
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Site NameGoSun Stove
Review History2016-07-23
Category Internet Rivers: Cooking Outdoors
Page Views4449
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