
<== Store of the Day for 2015-10-24 ==>

Lionel Store

The Lionel Store carries on the tradition of the Lionel Toy Train Company which was established in 1900 by Joshua Lionel Cowen.

Toy trains were among the first electronic toys and train sets among the first constructive toys systems. The Toy Train industry, itself, suffered many of the ups and downs of the train industry. As toy trains were a luxury, the industry struggled through the Depression but rebounded with the end of WWII. As trains lost favor in the 1960s, Lionel suffered hard times and sold manufacturing resources and rights to General Mills. The Lionel Corporation focused on a line of tents and then a series of toy stores which grew to 100 stores. The toy stores filed Chapter 11 in the recession of 1982 and ceased operation in 1992.

As for the trains, General Mills reduced cost by outsourcing and reducing details of the trains. General Mills sold the rights to Richard Kughn in 1986. In 1992 Richard Kughn partnered with singer/songwriter Niel Young to create high tech audio for trains. Investors led by Neil Young and Wellspring Capital Management bought the Kughn's company in 1995.

The Wellspring company suffered a series of patent and trademark lawsuits in the 2000s (They were using Railroad Brands on their trains). The company filed bankruptcy and re-emerged in 2008.

The Lionel Brand has a hundred year history but changed hand with dramatic differences in quality and collectibility during different eras.

Lionel Store

The Lionel Store is an online destination for model trains. The store carries Thomas Trains, Polar Express Trains and a fun assortment of model trains from different ages of train technology. You can buy full train sets or additional pieces of track, railroad cars and locomotives.

Lionel Collectibles

The Vintage Lionel Trains are considered collectible with an active trading community on eBay.

Link Detailshelp
Site NameLionel Store
Review History2015-10-24
Category Internet Rivers: Toys
Page Views3783
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