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<== An Outsider Look at HIVE ==>

An Outsider Look at hiveRSS.com

hiveRSS is a utility that creates RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds for Hive blogs. You can create an RSS feed for your blog simply by appending your HIVE user name to the URL hiverss.com. By default, the program will point the feed to hive.blog. You can use the interface attribute to specify a different base url.

The link below creates an RSS feed for the @irivers account using peakd.com as the base URL.


NOTE: I added the attribute type="application/rss+xml" to the link to emphasize that the link will show an RSS Feed.

The RSS standard is a Web 1.0 that was introduced in 1999. This standard is used by RSS aggregators to display posts from multiple web sites.

Most blog platforms automatically produce RSS feeds. Some people read all of their news through RSS feeds. So, having one's blog read by an RSS aggregator can greatly increase the traffic to one's site.

The RSS standard was designed for news stories and blogs. Every post requires a date. I created the "Site of the Day Review" so that this site could have an RSS reader. This is the link to my RSS feed:


The HIVE Post

I placed a picture of the HIVE and RSS logos on a picture of of an open math book to symbolize the HIVE RSS reader. Click the image to read the review on Peakd.com.

Link Detailshelp
Site NamehiveRSS
Review History2021-06-26
Category Internet Rivers: Hive
Page Views2117
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FTC DISCLOSURE: The Community Color Store of the Day is an advertising program. It presents one online store each day. Commissions from sales fund this collection of free community sites.

Sites of the Day

A Fountain of Bargains ~ SoD History RSS Feed