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<== An Outsider Look at HIVE ==>


I've been reviewing web sites that interface with the HIVE blockchain. HIVE is building a collection of "distributed" web sites supported by the HIVE cryptocurrency.

Pinmapple is a site that encourages users to add GeoData to the travel photos that they upload to HIVE. The site shows a map of the world that indicates the number of uploaded photos by region. Users can drill down to a location and see local photos.

To pin a photo to the map, bloggers on HIVE need to drill down to the location of the photo click on the subject of the photo and receive an upload request.

I clicked on Mt Olympus in Salt Lake County.. Pinmapple gave me the link code:

[//]:# (!pinmapple 40.657528 lat -111.773520 long Mount Olympus d3scr)

Pinmapple says that I can drop the code on any Hive Interface that uses markdown. I will finish this review using the Neoaxian City interface . In the post I will upload photos a few photos of Mt Olympus.

Link Detailshelp Site NamePinmapple Review History2021-11-07 Pathpinmapple.com Category Internet Rivers: Hive URLirivers.com/kewl.html?dt=2021-11-07 Page Views2098 Sharing Tweet PreviousWaivio Next1UP

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