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<== An Outsider Look at HIVE ==>

An Outsider Look at BuyMeBerries.com

Buymeberries is a project by @martibis that allows web designers and bloggers to solicit HIVE donations on their projects.

To receive a donation, one need simply send a user to the domain buymeberri.es or buymeberries.com with the HIVE user name. This like will bring you to the page for the account @irivers: buymeberri.es/@irivers.

The homepage of BuyMyBerries lets people generate a graphic link for any account. I ran the code and created the graphic:

I have not used this program. It asks for donations in HBD (Hive Based Dollars). The program will let people sign the transaction with Hive Keychain or HiveSigner.

I rarely have free HBD just sitting in my account. When I want to give money to other accounts, I usually use the transfer feature in the HIVE Wallet or Hive Engine. Hive Engine lets me send people alt-coins.

For BuyMyBerries to be really useful, it should let users login into see all of the coins that they have available.

The real selling point of BuyMyBerries is that it advertises that a HIVE account is soliciting funds.

To the buymyberries homepage, one need simply write a post using the tag #bmbhome. I see that some people are using this tag on every post.

I will take a break from writing this review to create a bmbhome page.

Buy Me Berries

This video is from Tibout Shaik's Youtube channel.

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Site NameAn Outsider Look at BuyMeBerries
Review History2021-12-07
Category Internet Rivers: Hive
Page Views2348
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NextHive Keychain

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