Internet Rivers: Coins
With precious metals on the rise and a large number of comemorative coins in circulation, coin collecting is becoming fun again. This page lists web sites offering coins resources for investment and hobby collecting.
- eBay - Bullion Center (*)
eBay is a good place to trade old coins and collectibles. 
- Coin Supply Express (*) - review
Coin Supply Express of Riverside, Ca offers coin collecting supplies including coin folders, flips, albums, tubes, storage boxes and air tite coin holders.
- Make Money Buying and Selling Gold (*)
An eBook about buying and selling gold.
- GMR Gold (*)
GMR Gold is a Texas based firm offering gold and silver coins.
- Transportation Token Database (
The transportation token database shows thousands of tokens displayed along with descriptions, size, composition, city, state, year minted, and value.
- Coin Inflation (
Site calculates the current "melt value" of coins. This is the value of the metal contained in the coins. Currently a nickel has seven cents of metal, a 1981 copper penny has three cents worth of copper.
- Coin Study (
Site has information on the value of historic coins.
- Coin Update (
Coin Update offers news for the coin collecting world.
- Whitman Publishing (
Whitman Publishing prints coin collector folders, albums and price guides.
- Hobo Nickel Society (OHNS) (
A hobo nickel is a nickel modified by an artist. This is an art form that became popular with the introduction of the buffalo nickel.
- The Constitutional Tender Act (
A site about the gold standard and US Constitution.
- (
A site by the American Numismatic Association.
- Coin Collecting for Beginners (
A site with useful information on coin collecting.
- PCGS (
Professional Coin Grading Service is a recognized authority on grading rare coins.
- Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) (
A coin grading service.
- Silver Investing News (
Site follows news related to silver mining and investing.
- Utah Gold (
A blog about coins and inflation.
- Air-Tites (
Buy Air-Tites containers wholesale from the manufacturer.
- World's Fair of Money (
An annual coin show hosted by the American Numismatic Association.
- United Future World Currency (
Site advocates the creation of new world currency to replace the failing dollar, euro and other monetary systems.
- Silver Towne Numismatics (
Silver Town offers coins and precious metal products.
- 50 State Commemorative Quarters Designs (
Site has information on the designs of the 50 state commemorative quarter program from 199-2006.
- Coin Quest (
Site has an online database you can use to research coins.
- Silver Coins (
Site has information on collecting silver coins.
- World Gold Council (
Site has information about the gold industry.
- National Silver Dollar Round Table (
Founded in 1982, NSDR The roundtable promotes knowledge about silver coins, numismatics and the silver dollar.
- Coins and Canada (
Site has information about Canadian coins.
- WINGS Coins (
Site offers coin grading services.
- Variety and Errors (
Site is interested in varieties and errors in coins.
- Mulligan Mint Fail (Info Page)
This page has info on a thing called "The Mulligan Mint" which was founded in 2012 and collapsed in 2013.
- New Coin Stacking Picture of the Week (
Site has pictures of coinstacking
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