The American Financial system is broken. The regulatory system allows people to trade stocks that they don't own. A broker makes a stock trade, then secures the stock later.
Criminal elements in the market use this loophole to manipulate stocks. In some cases they will inflate the stock multiple times the float of a stock. Small investors and busineses lose substantial capital during these manipulations. This page lists links to sites calling for reform.
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation ( The DTCC is the organization that is supposed to be clearing stock transactions (although the Failure to Delivers has skyroketed.)
Fails to Deliver Charts ( Fails to Deliver has a program that lets you look up failures to deliver on different stocks.
Deep Capture Blog ( The Deep Capture Blog by Patrick Byrne includes the Mitchell Report, Anti-Social-Media and other resources concerning the problems with failures to deliver.
y-intercept blog: Free Markets Don't Wear Shorts ( My personal view is that short selling (selling something you don't own) is an unnatural creation of regulatory agencies.
stumbling on truth ( Views from a hedge fund manager on economic policy.
Derivative Dribble ( Blog with posts on the derivatives.