Internet Rivers: French
Bon jour mes amis.
The internet is a great tool for learning languages. This page lists web sites that can help English Speakers learn French.
- French Fairy Tales (*)
Learn (or teach) French with a selection of French Fairy Tales, Fables, Songs and Myths.
- Rocket Languages (*)
Rocket Languages offers an online program to learn French and French culture.
- Coffee Break French (
Coffee Break French is a podcast by Radio Lingua for learning French.
- Daily French Pod (
Improve your French by listening to the Daily French Podcasts featuring Louis from Paris.
- Learn French by Podcast (
This series produces podcasts for beginning, intermediate and advanced French.
- Poesie (
Poemes des recueils de poesie du poete R Bellon. Le poeme damour La glace est le 1er poeme au monde traduit en hieroglyphes et maya par des chercheurs.
- Alliances Françaises USA (
The Federation of Alliances Françaises USA is an organization of francophone and francophiles in the US.
- Understanding France (
The Franco-American WebSite promoting a better understanding of France.
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