A growing number of web developers are integrating their online games with HIVE. Many of the games are simulation style games. You will also find casino games and MMORPG.
As the games are using real money, some of the games might be considered gambling and are not available in all jurisdictions.
Splinterlands (splinterlands.com) Splinterlands is a card based game played on the HIVE blockchain.
dCITY.io (dcity.io) dCITY is a HIVE based game that uses the SIM token.
Krypto Gamers (kryptogamers.com) Krypto Gamers offers casino style games. WARNING: Playing online games might be illegal in your area. It is where I live.
Rising Star (www.risingstargame.com) Rising Star is a game about the music industry that uses the StarBits Token.
Human-History (humanhistorygame.com) This is a role playing game that uses the HISTC coin.
Cryptobrewmaster (www.cryptobrewmaster.io) Crypto Brewmasters is a game about brewing craft beers.
PeakMonsters (peakmonsters.com) PeakMonsters offers tools for the Splinterlands game.
Hive-Roller.com (hive-roller.com) Hive Roller is a dice game played on the HIVE platform. (NOTE: this service may not be legal in all jurisdictions. Know your local laws.)
Lucksacks Poker Leagues (lucksacks.com) Site hosts poker leagues and poker games using HIVE.
dCrops (www.dcrops.com) dCrops is a farming sim game.
Holybread (www.holybread.io) HolyBread is a Hive based game.
Epic Dice (epicdice.io) Epic Dice offers a selection of casino style games.
Rabona (rabona.io) The Rabona App is a massive multiplayer game about managing soccer teams built on the HIVE blockchain.
Liotes (liotes.com) Liotes is a multi-player game in which people settle and develop a planet called Liotes. They interact with a currency called LEN.
PlayByHive.com (www.playbyhive.com) The site said coming soon when I visited. PlayByHive appears to be the start of a MPG that uses the token COPPERS.
Hive Slot Games (hiveslotgames.com) Site offers casino style games that use HIVE. Be sure that gaming is legal in your area before you play.
Royal Reptile Studios (www.royalreptilestudios.com) Royal Reptile Studio is a video game using the LVL token.
Ape Mining Club (apemining.club) APE Mining Clube is a game based on mining crypto tokens that uses the APE coin.
Infernal Coliseum (infernalcoliseum.com) This HIVE based game site uses the SOULS token.
Legends (legends.farm) This appears to be an online card based game that uses the CONTROLUS token.
Card Auctionz (www.cardauctionz.com) Site holds auctions on Splinterland cards.
Ocean Planet (oceanplanet.io) Ocean Planet is an Ocean themed crypto game.
Wrestling Organization Online (wrestlingorganization.online) Wrestling Organization Online is a play-to-earn business management game where players can build their wrestling Organization by acquiring wrestlers, upgrading facilities, and competing to earn more of the games own token $WOO.
Archmage (www.archmage.app) Archmage is a hosted Splinterlands bot.
Wrestling Organization Online (wrestlingorganizationonline.com) Wrestling Organization Online develops the WOO token.
Ithara Gaian - Grandir Ensemble (itharagaian.duckdns.org) Site comprenant les informations nécessaires pour participer à notre programme "Synergie"* qui joint le monde du gaming sur Twitch au monde des cryptos sur Hive.
Proof-of-Brain Game (fulltimegeek.com) In this game people unscramble images to receive prizes. NOTE: The game requires your POST key. It is best not to share your keys.
SplinterForge - Splinterlands Adventures (splinterforge.io) SplinterForge is a 3rd party gameplay site for Splinterlands cards and more! The game offers the FORGE token.
Crypto Shots HIVE (hive.crypto-shots.com) Crypto Shots is a 3D Shooter connected to the Hive blockchain.
Genesis League Sports (www.genesisleaguesports.com) Genesis League Sports, source of the GLX coin, is a blockchain-based, play2earn gaming platform and ecosystem specifically designed for sports games and NFTs.
Muterra (muterra.in) Muterra is a RPG game in a post-apocalyptic world that uses the MUT token.
Crypto Company (cryptocompany.ceo) Crypto Company is a game that lets users earn HIVE and other tokens.