This page has links about different operating systems. ( DistroWatch follows the development and distribution of Linux operating systems.
Debian ( Debian is a free Linux based operating system popular on personal and network computers.
Red Hat ( Red Hat is a leading open source developer and designers of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
openSUSE ( openSUSE is a Linux distribution supported by the German based openSUSE Project.
Apple OSX ( Apple develops the proprietary Apple OSX used on a variety devices including ipads and phones.
Microsoft ( Microsoft developed the Window operating system which is popular on personal computers, servers and the surface tablet. ( Linux is a popular UNIX like operating system popular on personal computers and servers. ( has archives of the Linux Kernal.
UNIX ( UNIX system is an open source UNIX-like operating system that was first developed by Bell Laboratories and later became the base for popular branches of operating system development.
FreeBSD ( Free BSD is an operating system based on the Berkeley Software Distribution of UNIX.
Ubuntu ( Ubuntu is a popular (easy to use) Linux distribution based on the Debian. Ubuntu is South African for "unable to install Debian."
OpenBSD ( OpenBSD is by a committed open source branch of the BSD distribution.
CentOS Project ( CentOS is a community based fork of Linux.