<== Store of the Day for 2014-06-22 ==>

Sephra Belgian Dark & Milk Chocolate 6 lb. Package


Sephra is a leading producer of chocolate fountains. The site offers fountains, fondue pots and chocolate for use in the fountains.

Their main audience is catering companies. The site includes a directory of places that rent fountains. (If you are a caterer, you can request inclusion in the list). Unfortunately, the list seems to be out of date.

The site offers bulk chocolate. At the time of this review the company offered coupon 'EZSAVE11' for 10% Off on any 4lb box of Chocolate and skewers.

Link Detailshelp
Site NameSephra
Review History2014-06-22
Category Internet Rivers: Chocolate
Page Views4010
PreviousLumber Liquidators

FTC DISCLOSURE: The Community Color Store of the Day is an advertising program. It presents one online store each day. Commissions from sales fund this collection of free community sites.

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