<== Store of the Day for 2019-11-25 ==>

Ingnatius Press

Ignatius Press is a leading publisher of Christian reading materials. Here are few titles from the publisher (I will start with Easter books):

Veggie Tales: An Easter CarolVeggie Tales: 'Cavis and Millward, stars of The Star of Christmas , are back! This time, Cavis and Millward (Bob and Larry) and a music box angel named Hope must convince Uncle Ebenezzer Nezzer that Easter is about more than just candy and eggs. Inspired by Charles Dickens' Christmas classic, this is a story that will remind the viewer why millions of Christians around the world celebrate Easter. '

Beginners Bible: EasterThe Beginners Bible Series brings the true wonder and joy of the Bible to life with memorable songs, vivid animation and heartwarming characters that will delight young children. Experience the wonder of the fulfillment of God's promise to his chosen people as Jesus ascends into heaven in the glorious miracles of the Resurrection.

Lent and Easter in the Domestic ChurchLent and Easter: This is an illustrated book full of wonderful activities for children and families to help better understand and celebrate the Lent and Easter seasons. This large size, spiral bound volume is the perfect book for families to learn together and share the traditions of this important time of the liturgical year.

Socrates Meets MarxSocrates Meets Marx: In this easy to read dialog, Peter Kreeft pits an imaginary Socrates against Karl Marx. The work provides a fun, light introduction to Marx's work. I would recommend it to anyone required to read the Communist Manifesto for school.

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Site NameIgnatius Press
Review History2012-12-25
Category Internet Rivers: Publishers
Page Views8295
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