
<== Store of the Day for 2018-01-04 ==>


BestBuy is the world's leading electronic superstore with a massive selection of computers, audio/visual equipment and home appliances.

The company is noted for quality direct customer support through the Geek Squad and in house customer support.

BestBuy offers free shipping to the local store. I like the ability to return merchandise to a local store as it gives me confidence that I can return an item if it is broken or does not fit my needs.

The video shows the Geek Squad setting up a home.

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Site NameBestBuy
Review History2014-07-16
Category Internet Rivers: Computers
Page Views4135
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FTC DISCLOSURE: The Community Color Store of the Day is an advertising program. It presents one online store each day. Commissions from sales fund this collection of free community sites.

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