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<== Store of the Day for 2014-07-20 ==>


Make your own family heirlooms.

KlockIt is the world's leading source for clock parts and clock kits. You can buy the products you need to create or repair your family treasures.

The store also carries parts for mechanical clocks and super accurate atomic clocks. You will also find kits for music boxes, weather stations and plans for handsome furniture.

If you do not have time to build yourself a clock, the site also carries pre-assembled clocks, grandfather clocks and other memorable pieces.

Link Detailshelp
Site NameKlockit
Review History2014-07-20
Category Internet Rivers: Watches
Page Views2659
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FTC DISCLOSURE: The Community Color Store of the Day is an advertising program. It presents one online store each day. Commissions from sales fund this collection of free community sites.

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