🠈  Episcopal  ðŸ Š

The term "Episcopal" refers to the activities of the Bishop. It was derived, via French and Latin, from the Greek Word ??????????????????? (ep??skopos) which means "watching over."

The term is used by many different denominations around the world. The Episcopal Church in the United State evolved from the Anglican Church after the American Revolution.

The Anglican Church is a protestant church which holds the English Monarch at the height of its political hierarchy. Pastors of the Anglican Church were required to take The Oath of Supremacy to the King of England. The Revolution was problematic for the Anglican Church as the Revolution was largely set off by abuses of the monarchy.

In 1783 Samuel Seabury traveled to England seeking consecration as Bishop. Seeking to avoid the Oath of Supremacy he received consecration from the non-juring bishops of Scotland. The Oath of Supremacy was removed by the Consecration of Bishops Abroad Act 1786 allowing William White of Pennsylvania and Samuel Provoost of New York to be consecrated as bishops by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1787.

Episcopalians tend to be proud of the chain of Consecration, the catholic nature and protestant history of the church's lineage.

The American Episcopal Church had over two million baptized members and is recognized at the 14th largest denomination in the United States.

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