I have a standing interest in curriculum develop (specifically in logic and mathematics).
One of the great ironies of our day is that curriculum development in the public schools is closed to the public, while private schools, that must respond to market demands, are much more open about their curriculum. The most open of all curriculum development happens in homeschooling where people share their access to resources.
I started this directory as part of a research project into the direction of curriculum development. Homeschoolers are free to add links. I will add links as my research develops.
Stoa USA (www.stoausa.org) A national Debate League for Junior High and High School level home schoolers.
Schoolhouse Expo (schoolhouseexpo.com) Schoolhouse Expo is an online exposition of homeschooling resources that takes place in May.
Let's Homeschool High School (letshomeschoolhighschool.com) Site offers resources for parents homeschooling children at the high school level.
Home Learning Association (nationalhomeschoolassociation.com) - review The Home Learning Association is a membership organization that provides resources for families educating their children at home.
Connections Academy (Profile) Connections Academy is a fully accredited online school with trained teachers offering K-12 education. It is free in many states and is a great alternative to home schooling.
Classical Conversations (www.classicalconversations.com) Site advocates classical liberal tradition in home schooling.