Lewis and Clark Trail (lewisandclarktrail.com) The 'Corps of Discovery' departed from Camp Dubois on May 14,1804. In 28 months, they covered 8000 miles, developed friendships with the Native Americans and learned how to survive in some of America's most beautiful and treacherous territories.
Lewis-Clark.org (www.lewis-clark.org) The centerpiece of Discovering Lewis and Clark is a 19-part synopsis of the expedition by Harry Fritz, illustrated with selections from the journals of the expedition, photographs, maps, animated graphics, moving pictures, and sound files
Montana Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Commission (www.montanalewisandclark.org) The Montana Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Commission was created by the 55th Montana Legislature to aid in preparation for the Bicentennial of Lewis & Clark in Montana to be celebrated from 2003-2006.
Prince Maximilian (www.valdosta.edu) A German Explorer and Naturalist by Michael G. Noll, Ph.D.
Lewis and Clark Adventures (lewisandclarkadventures.com) Located in Idaho, on the Salmon River. Come on an adventure to see the trail as the Corps saw it where they met the impassable Salmon River, and travled over Lost Trail Pass.
Portage Route (www.corpsofdiscovery.org) Web site by the Portage Route Chapter of the Lewis and Clark Heritage Foundation in Great Falls, Montana.
Mapping the West (www.edgate.com) A look at Lewis and Clark Mapping the West.