<== Store of the Day for 2024-03-01 ==>

NightCafe is a Web Base AI Art Creator. The site has features that allow users to earn credits while learning the program.
I started using the program in February 2024 and was able to earn a hundred credits. I earned over a hundred credits in the first week. Each credit allows me to generate one image.
My profile page shows my latest creations. I will show the images and where I use them on my personal home page.
AI and Memes
While I worry that AI images create a distorted view of history, I find that they are a useful tool for creation memes. A meme is an image that conveys a subtle meaning.
I've decided to use NightCafe to mint NFT Memes on HIVEme.me. HIVEme.me charges a nickel to mint an NFT. I've been selling them for a penny a pop. I am selling them at cost.
While I intend to create subtle memes, I've noticed that many people use political memes to bash their political opponents. So, I created the meme below called "The Creator of Memes." The Creator of Memes is creating memes to trash an opponent while failing to notice that he is living on a trash heap.