Encyclopedia of Life (www.eol.org) The Encyclopedia of Life seeks to catalog all living species.
Huge Floods (www.hugefloods.com) A site has information on the Lake Missoula and Lake Bonneville floods.
The Cloud Appreciation Society (cloudappreciationsociety.org) The Cloud Appreciation Society is an international group of people who appreciate clouds.
UConn Extension Forestry Program (www.ctforestry.uconn.edu) Site has information about forestry in Connecticut. The review has an interesting presentation about the relation between barberry (an invasive weed), ticks and lyme disease.
eBird (ebird.org) eBird lets you enter bird sightings, bird counts and explore the sightings of others.
BirdCast (birdcast.info) BirdCast, by the CornellLab of Ornithology follows the migration of birds in real time.
Find a Spring (www.findaspring.com) Site lists fresh water springs around the world. The site lets users submit information about their own favorite springs.