I have started adding pictures of Wildflowers of the Mountain West in my photo gallery. In this directory, I will list helpful resources for identifying native plants. Feel free to add web sites related to native plants in the Rocky Mountains. NOTE, I am only interested in Rocky Mountain Plants!
Human Flower Project (www.humanflowerproject.com) The Human Flower Project is an international newsgroup, photo album and discussion of the connection between people and flowers.
Wildflowers and Weeds (www.wildflowers-and-weeds.com) This site from Pony, Montana offers info on the Identification of wild flowers, plus weed control alternatives.
USDA PLANTS (plants.usda.gov) The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
Wildflower Information (www.wildflowerinformation.org) Wildflower Information has pictures, gardening tips and flower folklore.